Announcing: The SEO Best Practice Series

I’m excited to finally make this announcement: Our SEO Best-Practice Series is here! For several years, our team has been creating in-house best-practice documents for every SEO strategy and consideration. They have been so successful that we decided we can't keep them to ourselves any longer.
October 11, 2016

I’m excited to finally make this announcement: Our SEO Best Practice Series is here!

When you focus on a specialized industry, you quickly realize that you’re fielding a lot of the same questions over and over again—from prospects and clients, but also from new staff members, copycats, newbies, etc.

This is where a lot of brands build FAQ pages, but when you’re really trying to do SEO it becomes less about, “What is … ?” and more about, “How do I … ?”

For the last couple of years our solution has been internal best practice documents. The Profound Strategy team member(s) with the necessary specialization dumps everything he or she knows into a document for the rest of the team and, occasionally, for an inquisitive client.

These documents have guided our team to create wonderfully successful SEO/content marketing campaigns and strategies for our clients, and we finally thought, “We can’t keep this to ourselves.”

seo idea light bulb

The SEO Best Practice Series is just getting started! Subscribe here to never miss an announcement:

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So today, we are releasing the SEO Best Practice Series into the wild! (Don’t worry, we’ve let the editorial team and a graphic designer spend time with them first.) We’re launching this series of PDF downloads with three of our favorites, and more are coming soon!

1. How to Use Featured Snippets to Increase SEO Traffic

featured snippet ebookA featured snippet is a summary of an answer to a user’s query that Google pulls from a well-ranking website, and delivers at the top of search results. The featured snippet includes a link back to the page that the information was drawn from.

When featured snippets first started appearing at the top of search results in 2014, SEOs had some concerns, but two years has been enough time to monitor their growth and their effect on CTRs (roughly 114% boost). Targeting the featured snippet has become a standard goal of most SEO campaigns, and last week’s news that Google is reducing the number of organic search results on Page 1 has been even more incentive.

Download How to Use Featured Snippets to Increase SEO Traffic to learn:

  • What is (and is not) a featured snippet
  • Why featured snippets are important for SEO
  • How to capture the featured snippet spot

This PDF also includes a handy checklist and a short list of other industry-leading resources on the topic.

I WANT +114% CTR

2. How to Use Links in Your Own Content for Maximum SEO Benefit

how to use linksBacklinks are one of the most important ranking factors for a site, but the links marketers include in their own content can have a dramatic effect on on-page SEO as well. How to Use Links in Your Own Content for Maximum SEO Benefit answers seven of the most important, and most frequently asked, questions about how to include links in content:

  • What is the SEO value of a link in content?
  • Should I use a keyword for anchor text?
  • Should I link to our important SEO pages?
  • How do I create an enticing link?
  • How many links should I use?
  • What’s the ideal ratio of internal/external links?
  • Should external links open in a new page?

This download also includes a checklist—designed to be a simple reminder that you can keep with you as you create or update your content.


3. How to Optimize Images for SEO

More and more marketers are taking the time to source engaging, relevant images for their content, and it’s awesome. The internet is a more beautiful place.

Images and other media improve engagement metrics by keeping users on the page longer and encouraging interaction with the content, which is great for SEO. However, they also provide opportunities for more direct SEO efforts that a lot of marketers are either missing or messing up.

How to Optimize Images for SEO will walk you through SEO best practices for four important media-related text fields:

  • Alt tags
  • Title text
  • File names
  • Captions

Bonus material includes information and tips about file sizes, a checklist to keep on-hand as you create and update content, and a list of the very best additional resources on the subject.


More SEO Best Practicesf Coming Soon

We’re finishing up several more of these downloads, and developing more as they are needed. Some of the best practices you can expect soon include:

  • How to Leverage Website Navigation for SEO (and User Experience)
  • Content Syndication & SEO
  • Will Multiple Web Properties Help or Hurt my SEO?

Keep an eye out, and happy SEO-ing! Subscribe below for all the latest.

Nate Dame
CEO and Founder
Nate is the founder and CEO of Profound Strategy, a results-oriented SEO consultancy trusted by forward-thinking companies, including a few of the world's largest B2B and technology brands. Profound Strategy builds holistic SEO strategies, supports internal teams, and offers full-service execution to create an organic search presence that generates significant revenue.

What's Next?

Profound Strategy is on a mission to help growth-minded marketers turn SEO back into a source of predictable, reliable, scalable business results.

Start winning in organic search and turn SEO into your most efficient marketing channel. Subscribe to updates and join the 6,000+ marketing executives and founders that are changing the way they do SEO:

And dig deeper with some of our best content, such as The CMO’s Guide to Modern SEO, Technical SEO: A Decision Maker’s Guide, and A Modern Framework for SEO Work that Matters.

Our next-gen SEO tool is now available -- check out Syllabus!