Talend Achieves 199% Increase in Non-Branded Organic Traffic

Talend's organic, non-branded traffic jumps by 199% in two years with certified content.

While searching for an partner that could deliver significant SEO growth, Talend met Profound Strategy.

Talend began working with Profound Strategy and, over the next 24 months, experienced a 199% increase in non-branded organic traffic.

Project Overview In Brief
Talend partnered with Profound Strategy to increase organic traffic with a holistic SEO campaign focused on growth tactics and certified SEO content. Profound Strategy created certified content for Talend that produced:
250,000+ organic sessions
51% of all sessions in the resource center
19% of all organic sessions to Talend’s U.S. website


Certified content tends to attract between 3x and 10x more SEO traffic than other high-quality content.

Problem: Previous SEO Efforts Didn’t Deliver

As Talend continued to grow as a company, marketing leadership knew that SEO represented a significant opportunity to drive substantial amounts of relevant website traffic. Previous SEO efforts had not delivered the growth desired. As the engagement began, Profound Strategy’s team quickly built the foundation to ramp up organic search traffic.

Technical SEO audits identified a handful of issues which were quickly resolved, but it became clear that content was an area that required attention. Talend’s websites boasted large amounts of valuable content from subject matter experts, but this existing content was not out-performing its competitors to win high rankings in search results.

Learn more about our unique, ROI-focused technical SEO audits. →

certified content –

An SEO content asset based on a single user need in organic search, founded on detailed and specific competitive research, drafted according to modern SEO and content best practices, and refined in partnership with the client’s internal experts.

Solution: Profound Strategy’s SEO Certified Content

Profound Strategy deployed a modern SEO content framework to identify the user needs most important to Talend, and created certified SEO content for those high priority user needs.

Profound Strategy created more than 150 pieces of certified content with Talend, resulting in:

  • 199% growth in organic, non-branded traffic from 2017 to 2019
  • Many page-one rankings
  • Multiple featured snippets and knowledge graphs
  • Significantly increased search share of voice

Learn more about our SEO certified content

Website Migrations

Several website migrations—which had the potential to disrupt traffic and conversions—happened during Profound Strategy’s two-year engagement with Talend.

Profound Strategy was deeply embedded with Talend’s IT and development teams during these migrations to ensure there was no traffic loss due to technical issues or changing information architecture.

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Internal Orchestration of Content Strategy

Profound Strategy also provided the content migration strategy to ensure all existing content was either transitioned smoothly, or was eliminated or replaced properly.

Additionally, the Profound team worked with multiple Talend stakeholders to ensure that all new certified content was aligned with the company’s messaging and branding, and complemented the content created by multiple Talend bloggers.

Results: Featured Snippets, Organic Rankings, and Huge SEO Traffic Wins

Increased traffic: In just 24 months, Profound Strategy’s certified content and strategic SEO support delivered significant increases of SEO traffic to Talend’s global sites.

SERP rankings, featured snippets, knowledge graphs: Certified content earned Talend page-one SERP rankings for many keywords, including core concepts and priority keywords as identified by the Talend team, and earned exposure in Google featured snippets and knowledge graphs.

featured snippet example

featured snippet example case study

featured snippet example

The Highlight: Organic Traffic Increase

The highlight of the engagement was the amazing success of the certified content: In 2019, the top-10 performing pieces of certified content created for Talend’s resource center were responsible for:

More than 250,000 organic sessions
51% of all sessions in the resource center
19% of all organic sessions to Talend’s U.S. website

“Our deep understanding of both the client’s specific marketing goals, as well as the broader data integration industry, enabled us to produce 150 pieces of content that really moved the needle for them,” said Benjamin Babb, account strategist at Profound Strategy. “The organic traffic increase was phenomenal, and the featured snippets and top rankings on multiple SERPs positioned Talend as the global leader in the data integration space.”

Ready to see your SEO grow like this? Get in touch today and we’ll set up a free, one-hour consultation.

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