The Profound Strategy team understands the constantly changing landscape of SEO, and delivers modern best practices that are continually tested, validated, and improved.
That experience and expertise means we well understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing or SEO. Our unique, custom strategies—including best-in-class high-quality content, technical SEO excellence, and much more—add weight and authority to your brand in order to bolster its SEO presence.
Our team includes expert developers, specialized content creators and editors, digital marketing strategists, technical analysts, and graphic designers with experience in almost every channel—from social media and influencer marketing, to live events and PR—who all have an experienced eye for SEO.
The Profound Strategy team works closely with you and your team to learn your business, your industry, your company, your brand, and your audience. Our personalized approach to each project has translated to widespread success across a variety of industries.
It also consistently creates productive and efficient hybrid teams, because your team knows our team and everyone can work together to achieve your marketing goals. When your market changes or your brand needs to pivot, our team helps analyze the situation to create updated strategies and adapt current campaigns.
From discovery and analysis, to planning, execution, measurement, and reporting, each project receives a high degree of individual attention. Our dedicated strategy team members ensure steady improvements in the business metrics that matter most to your company ownership and the C-suite.
Although we work in many industries, our specialties include B2B and SaaS technology providers.
Profound Strategy is located in the beautiful community of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, with remote staff working from California and throughout the Midwest.
Nate Dame is fascinated by the complex, constantly changing, layered world of SEO—where creativity rules, nothing ever stays the same, and sustainable, steady growth is the only true sign you’re doing it right.
Nate began his digital marketing career more than 10 years ago in the nonprofit world. One of his first side projects was SEO for Skechers, which ultimately led him to found Profound Strategy. He has led SEO, content marketing, and influencer marketing projects for leading companies including Marketo, Musician’s Friend, and Atlassian, in addition to a wide variety of small- and mid-sized businesses.
Now a regular speaker and columnist, Nate oversees client strategy and thought leadership for Profound Strategy when he’s not busy in his favorite role as husband and dad to his family in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.